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  2. BackHug for Employers

Instant bookings

How Backhug's booking works for organizations and shared devices.

Instant booking (10, 20, 30, 40 minutes sessions) allows you to book a session up to 10 minutes from the slot start time. For example if a slot is 10:00 - 10:40, you are allowed to book this slot until 10:10.

Check-in from up to 9 minutes before your booking slot 
You can check-in up to nine minutes before your booking slot, as long as the device is not in use by another user.  
Open the BackHug App on your phone 
Go to “upcoming bookings” and select your session. You will find the check-in option there. 
Check-in will stay open until 10 minutes before the end of your booking slot  
For example, if your slot is from 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. you will be able to check-in as late as 10:20 a.m. 
Switch on Bluetooth 
Please make sure your mobile device has Bluetooth switched on when using BackHug. 
Go to your home screen or upcoming booking tab to check-in to your session.
An instant booking option is available to give you as much flexibility as possible when booking your BackHug session.  
Please be aware that you may not receive the full duration of the session if you check-in late.  
You can read more about the check-in process here
Any questions or suggestions please contact us.